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Silent Film

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1. We first started by combining our ideas and talking about them, we then continued by creating the title for our film. We proceeded by creating a storyboard where we put together the scenes and what level and perspective we were going to record. After that, we contacted our friends and asked if they were willing to help us by either being our main characters or our background characters, some were willing to help some weren't, we then continued by creating a script and a schedule for all of us to follow and be willing to attend. After that, my group helped in creating the movie poster, recording, editing, and helping each other with different types of problems or simply just helping one another with opinions. 

2. The two harder things about the project were finding people who where willing to help us out and figuring out when we would be able to film. We created a schedule for everyone and we messaged a lot of people who were willing to help us. One thing that was easy for us was working together, we knew each other and we worked just fine.

3. Everyone contributed to helping out and we all had different roles to be able to help each other. I liked the experience it was enjoyable.

4. I believe that my group understood what the learning target was and the requirements that were asked. As for the film, I believe the film would've met the standard if only we had finished it. We are planning on finishing it on Monday or Tuesday so once we finish our film I truly believe our film meets the standards but as for it right now it needs work.

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