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Identity Collage

Identity Collage_Naomi Mexicano copy.jpg
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.25.58 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.06.24 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.07.59 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.09.11 AM.png

Project Summary

1) I airdropped pictures to the computer after that I exported them to Adobe Photoshop, and then I started to add layer masks, I started to delete certain parts of my picture by using the delete brush and my paintbrush, and after that, I clicked on Fx to add a white outline. I started to organize them to where I thought would look nice. Then I uploaded it to Google Classroom and on my Wix website.

2) Blend Modes: tells Photoshop to blend the image based on the luminosity value of the pixels, you can use blending modes to achieve the exact color scheme you want or to make instant adjustments to brightness and contrast, used to determine how two layers are blended.

Layer Mask:  a way to hide parts of an image or layer without erasing them

Adjustment Layers: a special type of layer that manipulates the color and tone of the layers beneath them

3) My collage represents the respect and love I have towards my mom and my older brother. The angle is from an album cover from the band Nirvana but to me it represents the exposure and vulnerability I feel when open up to people. 

4) The successful things in my project were the pictures and the white outline. Some unsuccessful things about my collage were the fact that it was just all over the place it didn't have a specific theme and my pictures didn't match or combine well.

5) Based on the learning targets my project falls in the Needs work, I think this is because my project is not finished in adding more pictures and because it looks unorganized, pictures don't match the rest of them and my collage doesn't have a specific theme. Most of my peers have good-looking collages and I think mine needs more work.

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