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Light Patterns

Split light copy.jpg
rim lighting copy.jpg
Front lighting copy.jpg
diffuse copy.jpg
Direct copy.jpg

Split                 Rim              Front            Diffuse          Direct

Split copy.jpg


Rim copy.jpg


Butterfly copy.jpg


Rembrandt copy.jpg


Loop copy.jpg


1. My overall strength in my project was photoshopping.

​2. Some improvements that could be made were taking my time with each individual picture and photoshopping.

​ 3. Something I learned about lighting is how important it is to use different types of lighting in order to determine the brightness, tone, mood, and atmosphere.

4. Photographing an egg helped me prepare to photograph a classmate because it helped me know and realize how and where the light should be for different light patterns.

5. Some similarities between the two labs were taking the picture with the same settings and some of them being the same light patterns. One difference between the two labs is that I worked with more people. 

6. It's important for a photographer to understand, it helps a photographer understand the importance of an image and it helps them define it.

7. I'll probably be able to incorporate it in taking pictures or recording videos.

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